Dear Heavenly Father,


Jesus told his disciples, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven” (Luke 10:18). I praise you today as the God who sent your Son into the world to “destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8). Jesus’ ministry ushered in the beginning of the Kingdom of God, and his work sounded the doom of Satan and his kingdom. Thank you for breaking the chains of sin in my own life. Hallelujah!

Today in Your Word

Today you told me how Jesus sent seventy of his disciples to preach in the towns he was about to visit. His instructions show me that those who labor in the harvest fields should: a) ask you for more laborers to help with the harvest, b) recognize that they are going out into enemy territory, c) depend on you to meet their needs, d) allow fellow believers to support them, e) avoid places where they are rejected, and f) work earnestly where they are welcomed. When the disciples returned, they excitedly told Jesus that “even the demons are subject to us in your name!” I found Jesus’ reaction fascinating. Instead of asking how many had believed or how many demons they had cast out, Jesus told them to rejoice in their identity, not their activity. This teaches me that who I am in Christ is more important than what I achieve in ministry (Luke 10:20). Success is not about numbers or power; it’s about faithfully obeying the One who called me to labor for the kingdom. Jesus’ interaction with the lawyer who came to test him teaches me several important lessons: 1) the Law can be summed up in two commands: love God and love others (Matt 22:40); 2) it’s not enough to know what is right; I must also do what is right (Luke 10:28); 3) the Law is more concerned with showing love than strict adherence (Luke 10:31); 4) being a neighbor is about loving others, not about setting boundaries; when I see a need, I should take action (Luke 10:37). Jesus made a practice of spending time in prayer, and one day the disciples asked if he would teach them to pray. The prayer he gave them was simple and direct. It wasn’t long, for you don’t need lengthy speeches, and it wasn’t complicated, for you don’t need flowery language. Instead, it was concerned with honoring you, putting your Kingdom first, relying on you for daily needs, seeking your grace to resist temptation, and forgiving others just as you have forgiven me. This teaches me that a disciple is caught up in his master’s business. He seeks above all else to be faithful to his calling. Jesus went on to say that your character informs and guides my prayers. You are eager to meet my needs, therefore I should ask with patience and persistence. You are also a giver of good gifts, therefore I should pray with thanksgiving and gratitude, knowing that you have already given me what is best—your Holy Spirit!


Jesus said, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary.” Am I so busy with the cares and concerns of life that I’m missing what really matters?


Father, give me a heart that desires to love and serve you above all things. Help me to love my neighbor as myself and seek his highest good. May I always obey Jesus’ command to “go and do the same.”


Thank you for revealing to me the glorious truth of your Son, Jesus Christ (Luke 10:21). He is my Master, my Messiah, my Savior, and my God. In him all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form! (Col 2:9).

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Suggested Hymn: “Hasten to the Harvest” — Daniel O. Teasley.
Meditation Verse: Luke 11:32.