Dear Heavenly Father,


How I love those familiar words: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” I join with the song writer and proclaim, ‘Hallelujah! what a Savior, Who can take a poor, lost sinner, Lift him from the miry clay and set him free! I will ever tell the story, Shouting glory, glory, glory, Hallelujah! Jesus ransomed me.’ Praise the Lord!

Today in Your Word

Today you told me about Jesus’ first cleansing of the temple and the conversations he had with Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman. The temple courts were crowded with thousands of visitors during the Passover, and the religious leaders allowed money changers (the temple tax had to be paid in silver Tyrian coins) and merchants (many people could not bring their own animals) to set up shop in the Court of the Gentiles. Eventually the court was so full of merchants that the Gentiles found it difficult to worship and pray. No wonder Jesus was angry! The Spirit led him to forcibly clear the temple court, but the fact that the Romans did not intervene shows that he did not start a riot. He was firm and forceful, but he was not cruel or hateful or out of control. This teaches me that if I have zeal for your house, I will not remain silent when others pervert its purpose. Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus teaches me several important truths about your Kingdom: (a) it is proclaimed by the prophets (cf. Ezek 11:19–20; 36:25–27), (b) it is entered by spiritual rebirth, not physical descent, (c) its citizens believe in the Son of God and practice the truth, and (d) it is present now in the hearts of those who are born of the Spirit. Jesus’ conversation with the Samaritan woman teaches me a lot about witnessing: (1) Jesus followed the leadership of the Spirit and initiated contact (she would have ignored him), (2) he didn’t allow his weariness to keep him from talking to her, (3) he used the physical setting (well water) as a stepping stone to present spiritual truth (living water), (4) he appealed to her curiosity and focused on her need at the same time, (5) he didn’t argue with her about their ethnic and theological differences, (6) he presented her with the good news of the gospel, (7) he spoke candidly to her about her spiritual condition, (8) he explained the spiritual unity that exists between those who worship in the Spirit, (9) he didn’t allow her to procrastinate, (10) he didn’t let his disciples keep him from witnessing, and (11) he didn’t mind that his plans were changed, for he stayed and ministered in Samaria. It’s amazing how much I can learn by listening to Jesus!


Jesus’ clearing of the temple court underscores the importance of keeping business and commerce from intruding on the place of worship and prayer. Am I allowing the cares and responsibilities of life to keep me from worshipping and praying like I should?


Father, give me a zeal for your house and a burning desire to see it used to glorify your name. Help me to be bold in proclaiming the good news of the gospel. May I win the lost for Jesus!


Thank you for sending your Light into the world (John 3:19). You sent Him “that the world might be saved through Him” (John 3:17). He is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance (2 Pet 3:9). Glory to God!

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Suggested Hymn: “Ye Must Be Born Again” — Charles W. Naylor.
Meditation Verse: John 3:36.