Dear Heavenly Father,


You said, “Sing for joy and be glad, O daughter of Zion; for behold I am coming and I will dwell in your midst” (Zech 2:10). How wonderful to think that your Holy Spirit has come to dwell in my heart just as your presence dwelt in Jerusalem! I praise you today as the God who comes to live with your people! Praise the Lord!

Today in Your Word

Today you shared with me the eight visions you gave Zechariah. The visions came five months to the day after the people resumed work on the temple, and your purpose was to encourage them to persevere in their obedience to your command. The people could see the difficulties they faced, but they couldn’t see what you were doing behind the scenes. In each vision, you pulled back the curtains of the physical world and revealed to them how you were working on their behalf. In the first vision, the people could see their own distress while the empire that oppressed them was at peace. You revealed that your angel was watching over them, and that you were “jealous” for their peace and safety. You assured them that your temple would be rebuilt and that Jerusalem would again “overflow with prosperity.” In the second vision, the people could see the enemy that had devastated their homeland. You revealed that you were raising up “four craftsmen” that would cast down the nations who had destroyed them. In the third vision, the people could see the broken walls of Jerusalem and the ruins that once housed so many people. You revealed that one day Jerusalem would be so filled with people that it would be like a village without walls, and that you would be a “wall of fire all around.” In the fourth vision, the people could see the sinfulness that tainted themselves and their spiritual leaders. You revealed that the Lord rebuked Satan, their accuser, and took away their iniquity. You promised that one day “my servant the Branch” would come—Jesus, the Messiah. In that day they would enjoy both righteousness and prosperity under His rule. In the fifth vision, the people could see the burden and responsibility of the great task you had given them. You revealed that your Spirit was actively working to help them: “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit” (Zech 4:6). Your divine blessing was on Zerubbabel, and you would help the remnant complete their task: “For whoever has despised the day of small things shall rejoice, and shall see the plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel” (Zech 4:10). In the sixth vision, the people could see the lawbreakers who surrounded them. You revealed that your curse was being sent out to consume those who disobeyed your law. In the seventh vision, the people could see the evil that filled the land. You revealed that you would remove that wickedness to Babylon where it would one day be destroyed. In the eighth and last vision, the people could see how weak and susceptible to danger they were. You revealed that your chariots were out on patrol, watching over them in all directions.


In each vision, you wanted to give the remnant hope for the future. Were they in distress? You were watching over them. Had nations devastated their land? You would destroy those nations. Was Jerusalem in ruins? You would restore it and fill it with people. Was their adversary strong and cruel? You would be their Advocate. Was their responsibility great? You would bless and prosper their work. Were law-breakers everywhere? You would consume them. Was evil ever going to end? You would conquer it. Was their future uncertain? You would protect them. Hallelujah!


Father, it’s easy to get discouraged by the trials and difficulties of life. Remind me that you are always working on my behalf. You are guiding, protecting and blessing me as I follow your will.


Thank you for the visions of Zechariah! They teach me that you are working all things according to the counsel of your will (Eph 1:11).

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Suggested Hymn: “Little Is Much When God Is in It” — Kittie L. Suffield.
Meditation Verse: Zechariah 6:15.