Dear Heavenly Father,


Moses told the people, “The Lord your God detests anyone…who deals dishonestly” (Deut 25:16 NIV). I praise you today as the God of truth. You are honest and upright in all your ways, and you destroy those who speak lies (Ps 5:6). The world is filled with deception, but you desire “all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Tim 2:4). I glorify your name today and worship you with all my heart!

Today in Your Word

Today you told me the conclusion of Moses’ second sermon to the Israelites in the plains of Moab at the end of the 40-year wilderness period. Moses completed his overview of your covenant laws, and he urged the people: “You shall therefore be careful to do them with all your heart and with all your soul” (Deut 26:16). The case law concerning divorce and remarriage teaches me that loving my spouse means: (1) upholding your intention for a man and woman to be permanently united in marriage, (2) recognizing how serious divorce is, for it tears apart what you have joined together, and (3) pursuing reconciliation unless the other party remarries (cf. Matt 5:31–32; 19:3–9; Mark 10:2–9). The laws concerning security for loans teach me that loving my neighbor means: (a) never depriving them of the things they need for their livelihood, (b) respecting their privacy and dignity as a fellow human being, (c) going out of my way to return their pledge if it is needed to provide warmth or shelter. The law requiring capital punishment for kidnapping someone and selling them into slavery shows how serious you are about respecting the freedom of others (Deut 24:7). You kept reminding the Israelites that they had been enslaved in Egypt, and you wanted this memory to motivate them to be kind and loving to those less fortunate than themselves.


I can remember times when I was wronged and mistreated. Do I use those experiences to motivate myself to treat others fairly?


Father, help me to be mindful of those who are less fortunate (Deut 24:19–22). Give me a spirit of generosity toward the stranger, the orphan and the widow.


Thank you for being generous to me! Even when I was lost in sin and wanted nothing to do with you, you reached out to me in kindness and love.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Suggested Hymn: “He Giveth More Grace” by Annie J. Flint.
Meditation Verse: Deuteronomy 26:18–19.