Dear Heavenly Father,


Luke told Theophilus that he wanted him to “have certainty” concerning the things he had been taught, and I know you want the same for me. I praise you today as the God who builds me up in the faith. You want my relationship with you to be based on verified historical fact, and you want me to have full confidence in the truth of the gospel. I can proclaim the good news about Jesus with boldness, for you have given me eyewitness testimony of the life of your Son. Hallelujah!

Today in Your Word

As I thought about what you told me today, I was inspired by John’s purpose in writing his gospel: “These [signs] are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (John 20:31). This means that one of the ways I can evangelize the lost is to tell them about the miracles Jesus performed and encourage them to believe in him. You are still doing miracles today, for you transformed my life through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus is the Word, and in these last days, you are speaking to me through him (Heb 1:1). How amazing to think that the second person of the Trinity, God-of-very-God, uncreated and eternal, the creator of all things, is speaking directly to me! I promise to pay close attention to what he is saying (Heb 2:1).

One of the things Jesus is telling me is that life is found in him (John 1:4). I am united with him by grace through faith, and because of this, I have spiritual life (John 15:4–5; 17:3; 2 Cor 5:17). Even though I will eventually die, my body will one day be resurrected just like Jesus (John 11:25; 1 Cor 15:49). How wonderful to know that I will spend eternity in fellowship with him!

Jesus is also telling me that he came to earth and took on a human nature (John 1:14). Jesus is now man-of-very-man as well as God-of-very-God, one person with two natures. He did this because of your love for me, a love which he shared so much that he was willing to humble himself to become like me. Imagine—the Son of God was willing to fully experience the human condition with all its joys and sorrows. This means that Jesus truly knows how I feel. When I’m discouraged, he understands. When I’m afraid, he understands. When I’m distressed, he understands. How encouraging it is to know that Jesus cares for me!


Jesus lived in obedience to you, and he was not overcome by the darkness of sin. Is my light shining brightly in the darkness around me? Am I overcoming the enemy through the power of the Holy Spirit?


Father, help me to imitate the example of John the Baptist. He bore witness to the light, and he faithfully pointed others to the grace and truth of Jesus (John 1:7). May others see in me the life that comes from being united with Christ.


Thank you for sending your only Son to become flesh and tabernacle among men. I’m so grateful to be united with the One who is full of grace and truth! (John 1:14).

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Suggested Hymn: “O Word of God Incarnate” by William W. How.
Meditation Verse: John 1:4–5.