Dear Heavenly Father,


Your love for me is so great that you created physical intimacy within marriage to give me a taste of how wonderful fellowship with you can be. I worship you today as the God who designed physical pleasure, and I choose to exalt your name by honoring its boundaries.

Today in Your Word

I’m fascinated that of the more than 1,000 songs written by Solomon, you chose to share with me a song that celebrates the physical intimacy of marriage. It begins without an introduction, but various clues throughout the text give me an idea of the background of the song. Solomon frequently visited the various parts of his kingdom. One day, as he was inspecting some vineyards in the north, his royal entourage came upon a beautiful peasant girl who was tending the vines. Embarrassed, she ran from them, but Solomon could not forget her. Later, disguised as a shepherd, he returned to the vineyards and won her love. Then he revealed his true identity and asked her to return to Jerusalem with him. Solomon and his beloved were being married in the palace as the song begins. The song describes their meeting, their engagement, their wedding, their wedding night, and the growth of their marriage after the wedding. This song teaches me that you intended the love between a man and a woman to be a thrilling and wonderful experience. You created sex and intimacy, and they are good and holy when enjoyed within the boundaries of marriage. This means that a husband and wife honor you when they love and enjoy each other physically.

[Tenor:] “How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful! Your eyes are doves”
[Soprano:] “How handsome you are, my lover! Oh, how charming!” (Song 1:15–16 NIV).
Solomon’s song emphasizes how important physical appearance is to marital intimacy. Am I exercising self-control and working hard to keep my body looking good for my spouse?


Father, in this day of sensuality and promiscuity, help me to have a God-centered, Word-informed, Spirit-guided perspective on the purity and sacredness of love in marriage.


Thank you for the gift of sex. It’s a delight to the senses as well as a beautiful picture of the spiritual intimacy between Christ and the Church (Eph 5:22–33).

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Suggested Hymn: “The Beloved” — H. M. Bradly.
Meditation Verse: Song of Solomon 2:7.