Dear Heavenly Father,


The author of Kings said that you were pleased when Solomon asked for an obedient, listening heart (“understanding mind”) so that he might govern your people well (1 Kgs 3:9–10). I praise you today as the God who delights in those who long to do your will. You honor and bless all who obey your Word, and you rejoice in me as I seek to follow your Son. Praise the Lord!

Today in Your Word

Today you told me how Solomon established his kingdom. When Adonijah asked for Abishag as his wife, Solomon immediately perceived his true motive. Abishag was considered part of the king’s harem, and possessing the king’s harem was equivalent to claiming the throne. Solomon took decisive action and removed the threats to his rule. Adonijah was executed, Abiathar was banished, Joab was killed, and Shimei was confined. This teaches me the importance of being “sober and vigilant,” for like Solomon, I too have enemies who wish to destroy me (1 Pet 5:8). I must train myself to recognize the schemes of the devil and deal with each temptation appropriately. Some temptations may require me to eliminate something from my life. Others may cause me to put some distance between myself and another person. Some may compel me to place boundaries in my life in order to shield myself from a weakness. Whatever the case, I need your wisdom and discernment in order to guard my life from the attacks of the enemy. Solomon recognized his own need for wisdom, and when you came to him in a dream, he asked you for “wisdom and knowledge,” and an “understanding mind (lit. ‘hearing heart’) to govern your people” (2 Chr 1:10; 1 Kgs 3:9). You were pleased with this request, for it revealed a servant’s heart. You granted Solomon his desire, and you gave him much more besides: riches and wealth and honor. He displayed his wisdom in the case of the two harlots, and all Israel feared him when they realized that your wisdom was in him to administer justice.


Solomon wisely chose wisdom and discernment over great wealth. How true it is that “those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction” (1 Tim 6:9).


Father, I join with Solomon today and ask that you would give me a hearing heart, a heart that is tuned to your voice and eager to obey your will. Help me to seek first the kingdom of God.


Thank you for the many blessings that you have showered on my life. My heart is filled with gratitude for the precious gift of Jesus Christ and the daily presence of your Holy Spirit!

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Suggested Hymn: “If Solomon for Wisdom Prayed” — John Newton.
Meditation Verse: 1 Kings 3:28.