Dear Heavenly Father,


I praise your name, for your name alone is exalted. Your glory is above heaven and earth. You set the prisoners free, and you open the eyes of the blind. You lift up those who are bowed down, and you love the righteous. I will praise you while I live, for you are my help and my hope. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! (Ps 150:6).

Today in Your Word

Today you shared with me several psalms of praise. Psalm 136 is dedicated to your hesed: your “steadfast love” (ESV) and “lovingkindness” (NASB). This psalm declares that you are God of gods and Lord of lords (Ps 136:2–3). You are Creator, Rescuer, Victor, Friend-in-need and God of heaven. The repetition of the phrase, olam hesed (“your lovingkindness is everlasting”), serves as an audible affirmation of this glorious truth, and I rejoice to know that your love for me endures forever. Psalm 148 reveals that all creation, in heaven (vv. 1–6) and on earth (vv. 7–14), is like a majestic symphony, for each part joins together in harmonious praise of your name. This is a beautiful picture of how I as a believer should praise you: individually, yet as part of the great choir of believers across the world. Psalm 149 suggests several ways that I can praise you. I can praise you by speaking, singing, dancing and playing musical instruments. You created my body and music, and you are honored when I use them both to praise your name. Truly, “the Lord takes pleasure in his people” (Ps 149:4).


Psalm 146 warns me against putting my trust in those who seem powerful and influential (cf. Ps 118:9). They are here today and gone tomorrow; man (adam) quickly returns to the earth (adama). Am I keeping my hope in you, the God of Jacob and the Maker of heaven and earth?


Father, instill in me a desire to sing your praise. Focus my mind today on your mighty deeds and your excellent greatness (Ps 150:2). May all that I do be a testament to your love and mercy, and may my heart always be glad in you.


Thank you for your goodness to me. When I was lost in sin, you loved me enough to send your Son to die for me. How great is your mercy and how wondrous your love! I shout with the psalmist, “Praise the Lord!”

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Suggested Hymn: “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty” — Joachim Neander.
Meditation Verse: Psalm 150:6.