Dear Heavenly Father,


The Chronicler said, “David and all Israel were celebrating before God with all their might, with song and lyres and harps and tambourines and cymbals and trumpets” (1 Chr 13:8). I join with Israel and praise your name, for “you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel” (Ps 22:3). Like David, I worship you with all my might. You are indeed worthy of praise! Hallelujah!

Today in Your Word

Today you told me how the Philistines tried to kill David after he became king. David sought your guidance in each battle, obeyed your instructions, and gave you the glory for the victory (2 Sam 5:19–25). This is an excellent example of how I should fight my own battles. David’s decision to capture Jerusalem showed political and military wisdom. The fortress of Zion was located in neutral territory on the border of Benjamin and Judah, and it was still occupied by the Jebusites, a Canaanite tribe that had never been expelled (Jdg 1:21). By making Jerusalem the capital of Israel, David avoided giving preeminence to any tribe, which was very important given the recent civil war. This teaches me that a wise leader understands his people’s feelings and makes prudent decisions to bring people together. You gave David great honor and success, and he recognized that you had prospered him, not for his own sake, but for the sake of your people (2 Sam 5:12). This reminds me to always use my position to further the cause of your kingdom. David also showed his love for your name by trying to bring the ark to Jerusalem. He consulted with his advisers but he neglected to consult your law (1 Chr 13:1–4; cf. 1 Chr 15:13). This led to humiliation and death, for you had told Israel exactly how the ark should be moved (Num 4:5–15). David learned an important lesson from this disaster, and he was careful to follow your law the next time he tried to move the ark.


It was common for soldiers to keep souvenirs from their battles, but David ordered his men to burn all the Philistine idols (1 Chr 14:12). Isn’t that just like the devil? You can be celebrating a great victory, and he’ll be over there trying to slip an idol into your luggage.


Father, remind me to seek your guidance first in all things. Help me to be sober-minded and watchful, for the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, seeking to devour me (1 Pet 5:8).


Thank you for the encouragement that comes from reading about the life of David. You have promised to be with me just like you were with him!

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Suggested Hymn: “O Praise Ye the Lord” — The Psalter.
Meditation Verse: 1 Chronicles 13:8.