Dear Heavenly Father,


I join with David in praise today: “I will sing of your strength; I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning. O my strength, I will sing praises to you, for you, O God, are my fortress, the God who shows me steadfast love” (Ps 59:16–17). I worship you, Father, and bless your holy name!

Today in Your Word

Today you told me how Saul and David’s relationship deteriorated to the point where David was running for his life. Saul’s appreciation for David turned to jealousy when the people began to applaud David’s exploits. Under the influence of an evil spirit, Saul tried twice to kill David with a spear. This teaches me that jealousy is a deadly sin—it is one step short of murder. You helped David escape, and he continued to serve Saul and defeat his enemies. This is an inspiring example of returning good for evil (cf. Rom 12:17–21), and it teaches me the importance of loving those who mistreat me (cf. Matt 5:43–48). David’s success and popularity did not make him proud; he remained humble, even when the entire nation praised him (1 Sam 18:16). His humility came from a deep sense of his dependence on you. He understood that he was prospering in all his ways because you were with him (1 Sam 18:14). When Saul sent men to David’s house to kill him, David turned to you in prayer (Ps 59). He called out to you to deliver him and destroy his enemies, and he dealt with his feelings of frustration and fear by reminding himself of your unfailing love and kindness. His king had turned against him, but he knew that the King of kings still loved and protected him (cf. Ps 100:5).


David’s praise in Psalm 59 shows me how to turn negative circumstances into reminders of your faithfulness and love. What problems in my own life might be transformed if I made them a starting point for praising you?


Father, help me to think of you when trials come my way. Teach me to think about my problems in terms of your strength and love.


Thank you for being “a refuge in the day of my distress” (Ps 59:16). By your power, I am being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time (1 Pet 1:5).

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Suggested Hymn: “Protect and Save Me, O My God” from the Psalter.
Meditation Verse: 1 Samuel 18:14.