Dear Heavenly Father,


David said to Goliath, “You come to me with a sword, a spear, and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have taunted” (1 Sam 17:45 NASB). I can hear David’s fiery zeal for your reputation in his words, and I echo his desire to honor you as the one true God. Truly, “the battle is the Lord’s,” for you are great and greatly to be praised! Hallelujah!

Today in Your Word

Today you told me about David’s secret anointing as king of Israel and his victory over Goliath of Gath. When you chose Saul as Israel’s first king, you gave the people a king according to their desires. This time you chose a king for yourself, one who would do your will (cf. 1 Sam 13:14; Acts 13:22). When Samuel saw Eliab he thought, “Surely the Lord’s anointed is before Him,” but you told Samuel not to judge Eliab’s worthiness to be king on the basis of his physical appearance. This teaches me that inner character is more important than outward appearance. However, this does not mean that you don’t care about my physical appearance. The Bible is filled with commands that relate directly to deportment (e.g., Exod 28:42–43; Deut 22:5; 1 Pet 3:3–5; 1 Cor 11:4–6). Rather, it means that people are more than how they appear on the outside, and that proper judgment always takes a person’s character into account. Further, since my physical appearance is the only part of me that many people will ever see, my outward appearance plays a significant role in my testimony to the world. I should dress in clothing that is appropriate for a Christian, with a godly sense of shame and self-control (cf. 1 Tim 2:9). Samuel anointed David as king, but for the moment, things remained unchanged—he still kept his father’s sheep. This teaches me that your timetable is often different than mine, and I must wait patiently on you for direction. Eventually, you honored David in the sight of all Israel by giving him a great victory over Goliath of Gath.


David burned with indignation when he heard Goliath “taunt the armies of the living God.” Such is the attitude of someone who has a true and vibrant relationship with you!


Father, what you told me today reveals how much you take pleasure in those who believe in you enough to stake their lives on your mighty power. Give me the zeal and faith of David!


Thank you for reminding me that what matters most is not whether I have the best weapons, but whether I serve the true and living God!

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Suggested Hymn: “Faith Is the Victory” by John H. Yates.
Meditation Verse: 1 Samuel 17:47.