Dear Heavenly Father,


Israel’s annual feasts teach me so much about who you are. You encourage my joyous celebration of your goodness, and you delight in my fellowship with other believers. I worship you today as the God of holidays! You love it when your people gather together for rest, refreshment and remembering with thanksgiving all that you have done for them. Hallelujah!

Today in Your Word

Today you told me about your regulations for the priests and Israel’s seven annual feasts. You placed greater restrictions on the priests because of their special ministry. The high priest had the strictest rules of all due to his unique role. These restrictions were a reminder to the priests of the privilege they had to serve in your holy Tabernacle. Their role required greater ritual holiness not only so they could draw near to you, but also so they could communicate to the people how much you valued holiness. The holiness of the priest’s lives—both ritually and morally—was to be a symbol of your own holiness. You gave a physical illustration of this by prohibiting any priest with a deformity from offering sacrifices. This was not meant as an insult; rather, it showed the necessity of perfection for those who would enter your presence. Such perfection is fully realized in the person of Jesus Christ, and through Him, I have access today into your glorious presence! Annual festivals played a major role in Israel’s culture, for you established seven national holidays for remembrance, celebration, fellowship and worship. These holidays differed greatly from the surrounding nations in that they were times of honoring you, not occasions of moral depravity. This teaches me that even the way I rest, refresh and entertain myself should witness to my love for you. It also shows me that although you encourage reflection and confession, you seem to favor celebration (five joyous feasts to two solemn ones). You encourage me to be joyful! How wonderful you are!


Peter said that I am part of a holy, spiritual priesthood which offers up spiritual sacrifices to you through Christ (1 Pet 2:5). Am I being careful to live a holy life, worthy of this high calling?


Father, the more I learn about holiness, the more I long for a heart that is set apart from all sin and entirely sanctified to you. Fill my life today with your precious Holy Spirit. Help me listen to His voice and follow His direction.


Thank you for being a God of rest and relaxation! Every time I celebrate a holiday, I’ll think of Israel’s feasts and remember that you are the author of celebration and festivity!

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Suggested Hymn: “I Will Tell the Wondrous Story” by Joseph C. Fisher.
Meditation Verse: Leviticus 22:32.