Dear Heavenly Father,


I praise you today for your Son, Jesus Christ. He is the Passover lamb who willingly sacrificed Himself for my sins. When John saw you, he said, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29). Peter said that I have been redeemed “with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot” (1 Pet 1:19). I worship you today for the wonderful provision of salvation through your Son.

Today in Your Word

Today you told me about the final plagues, the first Passover celebration, and the exodus of Israel from Egypt. After the plague of locusts, Pharaoh’s resolve was beginning to weaken. He told Moses, “Please forgive my sin only this once” (Exod 10:17). Yet he still didn’t want to let Israel go, and so you strengthened his will according to the hardness of his own heart (Exod 10:20). Moses warned Pharaoh about the last, terrible plague, but he refused to listen. This teaches me that sin causes people to think and act irrationally. Humble obedience to your will is always the best course of action! You gave Israel instructions concerning the Passover, and they followed them to the letter. The Passover sacrifice and meal were intended to commemorate the night that you passed over the houses of Israel and killed only the sons of the Egyptians. You wanted this rite to be kept every year so the next generation would learn that you were the one, true God. This shows me the importance of remembering what you have done in my own life and passing on that knowledge to my children. The Passover also communicated the spiritual truth that we all need to be saved from the wrath of God. Jesus offered Himself as our sacrificial lamb (1 Cor 5:7), and His blood secured our redemption from spiritual death (Heb 9:12). Today, the Lord’s Supper (1 Cor 11:20–34) is our Passover remembrance of what it cost to purchase our freedom from the slavery of sin. After the death of all the firstborn of Egypt, Pharaoh begged the Israelites to leave. They left with great wealth and possessions, a witness to the fact that you had brought them out of Egypt with a mighty hand.


The Passover lamb was innocent. It died as a substitute for those who would have been killed in the plague. Such is the price of sin that an innocent life must be taken in place of the guilty.


Father, I desire to honor the wonderful gift you have given me in the life of your only Son. Help me to walk in a manner worthy of your high and holy calling (Eph 4:1; 2 Tim 1:9).


Thank you so much for the sacrifice your Son made on the cross. He died for me, a lost and rebellious sinner, and raised me up to newness of life. Hallelujah!

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Suggested Hymn: “Lamb of God” by Twila Paris.
Meditation Verse: Exodus 12:26–27.