Dear Heavenly Father,


Joseph wept when he learned that his brothers still feared his vengeance (Gen 50:17). How hurtful it is to discover that the difficult and painful process of forgiveness is doubted by the one you have forgiven. How glad I am to know that there is no reason to ever doubt your forgiveness. I praise you for the riches of your mercy and grace to me! Hallelujah!

Today in Your Word

Today you told me about the deaths of Jacob and Joseph and the birth of Moses. Before Jacob died, he blessed his sons and made a prediction about each one’s future. Reuben, Simeon and Levi were all disqualified from leadership, and that privilege was given to Judah, the son who had responded with humility to your discipline. From his descendants would come a king who would rule the nations (Gen 49:10; first David and ultimately Jesus). Jacob also granted a double portion to Joseph, the son who had remained faithful and true his entire life. Jacob’s blessing reveals how much our character determines our choices, and how much our choices determine our future. Jacob died, and his sons kept their word by burying him in the cave of Machpelah. Joseph died 54 years later, having lived to see his children’s children. He died “in faith,” for he was so sure that you would keep your promise that he made his brothers swear to carry his bones with them when they left Egypt. What great faith! Time passed and that entire generation died. Many years later, a king arose over Egypt who did not respect or honor Joseph’s memory. He saw the thriving Israelite population as a threat, and he enslaved and oppressed the people. But the more Israel was oppressed, the more they multiplied. Eventually, a Pharaoh came to power who gave orders to kill all the baby boys. Moses was born during this time of terror, but his life was saved because his parents feared you more than they feared Pharaoh. They hid him as long as they could, and then you rescued him by using the king’s own daughter! We show whom we fear most by whom we choose to obey (Matt 10:28). Moses’ parents are excellent examples of what it means to live “by faith” (Heb 11:23).


Joseph told his fearful brothers, “Do not fear, for am I in the place of God?” (Gen 50:19). Do I recognize your authority in all things and humble myself like Joseph under your mighty hand?


Father, remind me that you are working all things together for my good—the good of being conformed to the image of your blessed Son, Jesus Christ (Rom 8:28–29).


Thank you so much for the inspiring and encouraging story of Joseph. He could have hunted his brothers down and killed them once he came to power, yet he chose to leave them to your judgment. What an amazing example of complete submission to your will!

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Suggested Hymn: “Gone Home to Rest” by Daniel S. Warner.
Meditation Verse: Exodus 1:20–21.